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Profile ID


Bride/Groom    :

Nationality        :

Mother tongue :




Residing in        :


Age                     :

Height                :

Qualification     :

Occupation       :

28 yrs

157 cm

M. Sc


Current State    :

Tamil Nadu

Oct 1992

Born in              :

Marital Status   :


My Life Mission

To love and serve Jesus Christ and people with all that I’ve been blessed with.

Job Details

I am an actuary in the life insurance sector. Growing up with a love for math and literature, I love the work I do. I have been endeavoring to do my work faithfully and well, and thus to draw attention to my Christian lifestyle and to Christ.
I struggle with a fear of rejection by people, and so have held back on praying with non-Christians. However, God does open doors wide for me to share sometimes and these opportunities give me pleasure. I hope and pray for more open doors that my dearest friends and others as well would also come to know Christ for the freedom and love He lavishes upon us.

Expectations from my spouse

A God-fearing person who would take decisions in prayer
2. Honest, straightforward and communicative about needs and wants
3. Capable of loving my family and other people well

Why would I reject a Proposal

1. Being legalistic instead of being attuned to the Spirit
2. Non-supportive of my career and studies. While I believe that both husband and wife’s primary duty towards family is as home-makers, I would also like to use my God-given talents and voice to work and reach out to the rest of the world. Also, in this day and age, I would like to be able to care for my family well should anything happen to my husband and he is unable to work.

Other information about me

It would be a wonderful bonus if the person likes dogs!

e-mail :

Updated on:

17th March, 2021

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