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Profile ID


Bride/Groom    :

Nationality        :

Mother tongue :




Residing in        :


Age                     :

Height                :

Qualification     :

Occupation       :

23 yrs

162 cm

Post Grad

Project manager

Current State    :

New Delhi

Jan 2000

Born in              :

Marital Status   :


My Life Mission

To pursue these life goals, I recognize the need for continual spiritual growth and deepening my relationship with God. This involves consistent prayer, studying Scripture, and seeking divine guidance in every decision I make. By nurturing my spiritual foundation, I equip myself to serve with humility, wisdom, and discernment.

Practically, I plan to engage actively in my local church community, using my skills and talents to uplift and support its various ministries. Additionally, I aspire to collaborate with organizations and initiatives that share my passion for serving the Church, whether through volunteering, advocacy, or contributing my expertise in meaningful ways. While the path ahead may present challenges and uncertainties, I am resolute in my determination to pursue my life goals. Through perseverance, faith, and a steadfast commitment to following God's leading, I believe I can make a meaningful impact in the lives of others and contribute to the flourishing of His Church. Each step I take, I endeavor to align with His purpose, trusting that He will guide me towards a life lived in service to Him and His people.

Job Details

My role as a project manager at a Christian NGO is a deeply rewarding journey that calls for continuous alignment of professional expertise with spiritual convictions. The challenges I encounter provide opportunities for growth, resilience, and a closer walk with God as I strive to make a positive impact in the lives of others while staying true to my Christian values. I am entrusted with overseeing and coordinating initiatives that directly impact the lives of individuals in need, aligning with our organization's Christian values of compassion, love, and service. This role allows me to not only employ my professional skills but also to integrate my faith into my daily work.

One of the challenges I face in this position is maintaining a balance between the pragmatic aspects of project management and the underlying spiritual motivations. While ensuring efficient resource allocation, timelines, and deliverables, I must also remain sensitive to the spiritual and emotional dimensions of the projects we undertake. This requires me to foster an environment where both practical goals and the larger mission are honored. Another challenge lies in reconciling faith with the practical realities of project management. There are times when external pressures, budget constraints, or unforeseen challenges might test our commitment to Christian values. In such moments, I draw strength from my faith, relying on prayer and seeking guidance to make ethical decisions that honor God and uphold the integrity of our projects.

Expectations from my spouse

I envision a partner who walks hand in hand with me on a spiritual journey, fostering a relationship centered on Christ's teachings. This involves a genuine commitment to our faith, where we uplift and encourage each other's growth and understanding of God's Word. I seek a companion whose actions align with the virtues of love, kindness, and integrity, reflecting the character of Christ in our interactions. Communication rooted in emotional intelligence is vital, allowing us to express our feelings openly and foster deeper emotional connection. I anticipate a shared dedication to building a Christ-centered family, nurturing our children's faith and teaching them the values of compassion and humility. Ultimately, I hope for a partnership where we serve one another, our community, and God, embracing the joys and challenges of life together as we navigate our journey guided by faith, love, and mutual respect.

Why would I reject a Proposal

a misalignment of core values and beliefs can be a compelling reason. If there are essential disparities in religious, ethical, or moral convictions, it could indicate potential conflicts in the future when navigating life choices and decisions. Similarly, a lack of compatibility in personalities, lifestyles, or long-term aspirations might signal that the relationship could face challenges and difficulties that could strain its foundation.

Divergent life goals, such as varying career ambitions, family planning preferences, or geographical aspirations, could also contribute to the decision to reject a proposal. Concerns about character and integrity can also be paramount. Identifying behaviors or actions that raise doubts about honesty, respect, or trustworthiness could be unsettling, influencing the decision to decline. Additionally, unresolved emotional baggage from past relationships or a lack of emotional readiness for a committed partnership might also lead to a choice of rejection. The opinions and viewpoints of families and guardians can carry substantial weight. Strong parental or family opposition to the union could introduce complexities and challenges that one might not be prepared to confront. Moreover, communication challenges or a lack of willingness to address issues collaboratively might indicate difficulties in resolving conflicts that may arise down the line.
It's a pivotal choice that demands careful introspection, open communication, and consideration of the long-term implications of embarking on a lifelong journey together.

Other information about me

As I navigate the process of finding a partner through matrimonial sites, I keep my safety and privacy a priority. I'm cautious about sharing personal information, engaging in respectful communication, and taking my time to get to know potential matches. I trust my instincts, and if something feels off, I proceed with caution. I seek to build connections based on shared values and interests, understanding that finding the right partner takes time. I stay open-minded, prioritize effective communication, and consider involving trusted friends or family members for additional perspectives.

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Updated on:

13th September, 2023

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