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Profile ID


Bride/Groom    :

Nationality        :

Mother tongue :




Residing in        :


Age                     :

Height                :

Qualification     :

Occupation       :

33 yrs

172 cm

B. Com

Product Expert

Current State    :


Apr 1988

Born in              :

Marital Status   :


My Life Mission

Life mission is to work out my salvation with fear of God.Use God given talents to be a profitable servant & Do my best for the salvation of people,to whom God has connected me with . wherever I am planted i.e church,office ,family or country ,just want to serve God.
When it comes to secular world want to excel in profession whatever I am working now or future.
Take care of family.

Job Details

I work for times internet (Times of India)as a Product expert.I have no problems witnessing christ as my family is co-operative but yes certain times my brother don't understand my faith.But I know I need to tolerate and bear them & win their souls with Christ's character and Love.

Expectations from my spouse

1.Looking for a humble & God fearing spouse who is ready to obey God no matter how hard it is.
2.Must have burden for perishing souls & who can pray for them & understand me in my ministry work
3.Educated with Graduation or don't mind even of below or higher to it.

Why would I reject a Proposal

1.If it's not God's will.
2.If Not willing to humble down to practice the word of God little by little everyday!
3.If Not willing to understand and co- operate with me in doing God's work.

Other information about me

Just wanted to mention that my date of birth certificate and early schooling certificate has my real DOB I.e 7th April 1988.But in other documents my DOB is wrongly mentioned as 07-April 1987.

e-mail :

Updated on:

10th August, 2021

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