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How do I know if this is the right person?

We praise God for your desire to enter into Holy Matrimony with God’s approval. A short response to the big question is, Marriage is designed by God to fulfil the purposes of God.


The first question then is to ask whether, “Are you aligned to the purpose of God for your life?” If you’re doubtful or unsure, spend much time in prayer with the Lord and seek the clarity you need. The rest becomes easier.


From the Proposals that come, try to find out if the person is of the same mindset and will align with you on the purposes of God. If you’re feeling surer of this, then ask the Lord for a confirmation regarding this Proposal whether to proceed or not.


Here is a good resource to help you in this journey. Keeping you in mind, we have also opened up a section on our Page “I need more clarity”. You can access the same here. The Lord be with you and honour your desire to live a God centred marriage.

What questions should I ask the boy/girl? 

Some questions you could consider asking are:


  1. The persons testimony, their faith journey thus far

  2. What they are doing for the Lord currently

  3. What are the goals for their life? Check whether it aligns with yours

  4. How often does the person spend time with the Lord

  5. What are some ways the boy/girl learns God's Word?

How much should I obey my husband?   

God created man to be the head of the woman and head of the home. The Bible asks the wife submit to her husband in the Lord, and therefore the wife must submit so long as the requests are not going against God. She gives him the authority to have the final say in matters that concern their home. In a godly marriage, obedience comes out of love and not fear.

How important are looks/ external appearance? 

Looks are important to humans and that is not something to be weighed down by. However, external appearance shouldn't become the determining factor in a marriage. Use God's Word to test if your beauty standards matches those mentioned in the Bible. If a good-looking spouse is your priority, then ask God to prune your desires to align with His.


Remind yourself that external beauty is temporary and will fade. The goodness of the heart doesn't. Submit your desire to have a good-looking spouse into God's hands and be willing to see the inner beauty in a person.

Sunset Over the Mountains


There are many questions that come to mind when one is considering Marriage. Here, we attempt to help you find answers to these pressing questions. If the question on your mind has not been answered below OR you want to discuss further, please feel free to drop your question or request a callback on our "Contact Us" page.

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